Wednesday 15 October 2008

Boomers and the Crunch

Latest Stock Market Crash Causing Retirement Rethink for Boomers
There are many ways to rationalize away the loss of a few trillion dollars in retirement income the boomers were expecting and it seems from latest news reports that we are now past this stage and into something new--an advanced type of spin control -we are now being told by Dr Ros Altman that "traditional pension products and policies are outdated and a major rethink is needed as baby boomers approach retirement." Who knew?Dr Altman provided her insights at a recent Kings College London forum where she remarked that "concerns of where to turn for financial advice are accelerating because of the current market turmoil." Professor Simon Briggs, director at the Institute of Gerontology at King’s College London, added (conveniently enough) that “Rather than seeing retirement as a social death sentence, boomers are much more likely to see retirement as a time in which to develop those parts of the self that have been neglected while building a career and raising a family.” Professor Briggs believes "retirees are in a state of transition rather than stagnation, according to patterns of leisure time and consumption in retirement."Now there is something for boomers to feel jolly about!
Posted by LifestoryDVD at 10:17 AM 0 comments Links to this post

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