Friday 31 October 2008

Ten Commandments for a Creatively Fulfilling New Retirement

Baby Boomers Want a Something Different in Retirement
Baby boomers don’t just want to retire. They want a creative retirement. After years of working for someone else, toiling 40 hours a day or more, baby boomers look forward to being able to pursue some of their own passions and create a unique personal retirement to fit their needs.
Planning for your creative retirement is a must or you’ll find yourself sitting around like the kids saying “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do.”
Here are 10 retirement ideas to help get your creative juices flowing. Before you start reading, give a few minutes thought to what your own goals are for retirement then get a notebook and jot down any thoughts that occur to you while going over the list.

10 Tips for a Creative Retirement

1. Get a retirement job or work part time - do something you find meaningful without having to think about your pay check. This retirement job will help you stay active and you can meet new people. Consider what you know and like to do and see if a business idea pops into your mind.

2. Start a home business – Many baby boomers are online. Find a cool product to promote. A network marketing business can be done online or off.

3. Volunteer – When you were working didn’t you used to wish you had time to volunteer at your favorite charity? Nonprofits always need volunteers to give time to the projects and you’ll find that volunteering does more for you than those your are helping.

4. Join an exercise and fitness program – Now you finally have time to exercise and it’s never been more important than your retirement years. You can set up your own program at home or join the local YMCA or rec center program. Most have special programs for seniors which also help you make friends.

5. Take up a hobby – Do you already have a hobby you didn’t have time for when you were working or perhaps something you’ve always wanted to try? There are hobbies out there for every interest imaginable.

6. Teach a class – If you have an area of expertise from your working life or perhaps you’re already an expert at some hobby, try giving a class at the local community college or rec center or maybe mentor at your church or a youth group. Someone out there wants to benefit from your experience and you can make a little money too.

7. Take a class yourself – Learning new things keeps the mind healthy and active and you may discover new passions and interests that you never had time to pursue before retirement.

8. Start your own blog or website and write about your passions. Become an expert in your niche. If you monetize your blog or website, you can even make money or you could write an ebook and sell it on your site.

9. Organize a club or group around an interest you have – get people together for discussions on books, travel, or a hobby. You can gather and share thoughts and ideas, get guest lecturers in to speak and make new friends.

10. Check out your community and see if there is a need for service. Join the local city council or school board. Get active in your community. Chances are there is a big need for your time and interest and those who are retired have much to give. Many small towns have more than one political volunteer position that goes unfilled.

The most important thing about a creative retirement is that it is unique to you – you can at last do whatever you want to do to find fulfillment. But it’s also very important that you keep your mind and body active and engaged in life. Make new friends, try new things, get up every day with a sense of purpose and loving life.

Your retirement can indeed be the best years of your life.

1 comment:

THEE QUEST said...

Good morning Mike.This is Pierre from Montreal Canada and I just viewed your ten commandements through google alerts this morning and you are right on the money.I am 56 and my wife is 57.We have been married for 37 years.We have 3 children and 6 grandkids and now its our time.We have many years ahead of us and as babyboomer's we have a lot to contribute.We also have set up a site for boomer's and we should keep in touch if you agree.You are so right,my wife and I have made our checklist and when we reviewed with yours we said incredible!!Many boomer's think like you and lets try and spread the word.Great thought Mike and keep up the great work and the super attitude.Pierre from the team of Pierre & Pierrette.